Site Development
Over the years we have slowly developed the amenities at Woodside Ridge Caravan Park. CLICK HERE to see the results!

The field; by November all the barley had eventually been harvested after an extremely wet summer.

The first job was to construct the entrance.

The road excavated, at least half of it!

The road with its first under surface completed.

The first water point plumbed in.

Over 800 "native" trees planted to form a natural hedgerow.

Electricity at last and just in time for winter; only 14 months after placing the order and at a cost of 30% more than the original quote!

The first electric point installed.

Open to the public! But still a long way to go.

Another spring and more digging as the preparations for the "ring" road get under way.

Yet more of the A19 finds a new home.

A place to sit and relax.

Slowly but surely flowers and shrubs bring a dash of colour.

Something to keep the younger kids happy.

Only a seven week closed period when major ground works can be undertaken. It's full steam ahead (weather permitting!) to get as much done as possible before we re-open in March.

Winter is also the time for the hedges to get some TLC, in the case of the "new" saplings this means weeding and feeding; all by hand!
Sometimes we miss our "compact, easy maintenance garden", but not very often.

After four weeks nature decides to slam on the brakes, no more development work for the time being at least.

Work starts on the toilet and shower block. This project will take some time to complete but we plan to have it useable as early as possible during the 2013 season.
It all depends upon the weather, so watch this space!

A lot of debris needs to be cleared, but this will eventually be a picnic area!
The decision to prefabricate the toilet block meant we could assemble it between the bands of snow, which started just a week after we closed in January.

Until the weather improves the outside will have to wait, but the internal plumbing and electrics are under way; there is one toilet and wash basin available at present.
Development will continue throughout the 2013 season.
CLICK HERE for more detailed information.

A pneumatic nail gun makes short work of attaching the "log-lap" cladding. If the weather holds it should all be on for the May Bank Holiday weekend.
The original swings were showing their age; the new, more robust set, are even more popular with the kids, especially the "wave" slide!
The amenity block now has an enclosed, undercover "pot washing" area. The "Ladies" and "Gents" are both finished but no showers at present.

The picnic area is now cleared and there are a couple of picnic tables to sit at and enjoy the woodland sounds.

The woodland walk from the picnic area is now partially open. When complete there will be a circular walk through the woods, returning to the picnic area.

The fishing pond sluice was in need of repair and whilst the work was going on this fish was spotted in a muddy "puddle".
Amazingly it had survived and was quickly returned to the pond where it swam away, hopefully to a long and happy life..

The woodland walk is now complete and the shade makes a pleasant change with the soaring temperatures we've been enjoying recently.

Removing over hanging trees is a job for the professionals.
JK Garden & Maintenance did the work very efficiently and it has provided us with a good supply of wood for our log burner!

Making the pitches level has to be done towards the end of the season so there's plenty of time for the soil to settle and the grass to grow before they need to be used again.
It's back breaking work (for some!!) but we hope to get at least another five pitches levelled this year.

More than half a kilometre of armoured cable will provide power for 6 pitches, two more lampposts and the amenity block showers.
It's a lot of digging but this might be the easy bit; long gone are the days of the electricity board, now we have to synchronise four different companies to connect to the mains and judging by past experience it's a recipe for disaster!

Dads little helper working hard to "speed up" the installation of lamppost no. 2

Lamppost no. 3 and the novelty has worn off so it's back to "the old boy" for help!

Let there be light! A dusting of snow doesn't stop the work of connecting the new lampposts.

The Ladies and Gents showers are now "up and running".
It's taken over a year to organise but we now have the new power supply and although it's late in the season can at last use all the available electric hook-ups.

Over a kilometer of cable (including 2 for CCTV) this time, luckily it follows the path of the mains water pipe and we had the forethought to install ducting back in 2009, so very little digging required......

....... But the digger made easy work of pulling the six cables through the ducting.
All pitches will have electric hook-ups available for the 2017 season.

The Hiker / Biker area is now fully functional with bike racks, picnic table and two "charging" points. The grass is somewhat sparse in certain areas and the shrubs are still small but we'll just have to wait for mother nature to work her magic!

More Digging! The road has to be excavated for induction loops, which will detect cars and open the new barriers automatically. Should make life quite a bit easier in future.

The new view on arrival at Woodside Ridge Caravan Park.
The road still needs some tidying but that can wait for less icy conditions!
I had wondered whether barriers would look too "urban", but now they are in situ I think they are quite appropriate.

The New Reception is coming along nicely, all the major construction work is complete just a few finishing touches to do.
New windows and a coat of paint in our "corporate colours" and the job is done!

All the interior work is complete: reception, shop and there's even a vending machine for when the shop isn't open!